What it is. Original long pasta pack with double squared bottom.

Thanks to a special device, the AOD-Ultra packaging machine carries out the transversal sealing of the packs which, although it does not eliminate the possibility that a piece of dough may get stuck between the two sealing jaws, solves the problem of the presence of fragments inside the transversal sealing of the “classic” pillow bag. The very high vibrations of the gripper sonotrode, actually pulverises any possible fragment at the extremity of the pack, making it easier to seal it perfectly and hermetically.

Material. PP film

Product. Long pasta (Spaghetti, Fettuccine, Bucatini, Linguine, Vermicelli, Capellini, Mafalde, Reginette, Chitarre, etc.)

Design. The double square bottom pack allows a better shelf display and, making the brand, product and other relevant consumer information recognizable “at a glance”. Thanks to 4 printable and customizable sides, manufacturers can relate better with customers and enhance the brand.

Technology. Device for transversal closure of the packs, with ultrasonic sealing.

Sustainability. Eliminating the waste of pasta caused by fragments that get stuck in the seal and force the pack to be discarded. Reduction of production costs due to the lower quantity of film needed to obtain the new pack (-21%); energy saving thanks to the lower energy absorption by the cold seal grippers.

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